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The Other Side of Ground

Mixed Greens is pleased to present the site-specific window project The Other Side of Ground by Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus, the artist duo known as LoVid. Their dynamic, colorful pieces are a masterful mix of the low- and high-tech.

Known for their innovative performances, live video installations, tactile objects, patchworks, sculptures, and installations, LoVid encourages the viewer to reexamine his/her relationship to the digital world. By mixing analog and digital philosophies, processes, and techniques, LoVid’s pieces come to life. In one piece, for instance, it was necessary for viewers to touch points on a monolithic sculpture in order for a video to activate. Human touch became the subject of a digital output.

The Other Side of Ground consists of five large-scale digital prints in the windows of Mixed Greens. The vivid colors and patterns are created with LoVid’s handmade video synthesizer, recorded and recomposed into analog prints. The artists’ visual work offers an intensely visceral experience, forming a blended landscape that incorporates complementary elements from media noise and abstract painting. They are ultimately interested in the ways in which the human body and mind observe, process, and respond to natural and technological environments, as well as how we preserve data, signals, and memory.

The Other Side of Ground is a series of prints referencing Newman-like mid-century abstraction and the sublime, but quite literally representing noise and digital energy that we rarely visualize. Mixing the handmade with the technological, LoVid questions and recontextualizes our relationship with technology.

LoVid’s interdisciplinary work explores social, personal, and corporal experiences in the networked era. LoVid’s performances include sculptural instruments and explosive audiovisuals. LoVid has performed and exhibited internationally, including: Netherlands Media Art Institute (Holland), International Film Festival Rotterdam, MoMA, PS1, The Kitchen, FACT (UK), Real Art Ways, Urbis (UK), The Jewish Museum, Butler Institute of American Art, The Neuberger Museum, and the New Museum. LoVid projects have been supported by: Smack Mellon, Cue Art Foundation, Eyebeam, Harvestworks, free103point9, Alfred University, The Netherland America Foundation, NYFA, LMCC, Experimental TV Center, NYSCA, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, turbulence.org, Puffin Foundation, and Greenwall Foundation.

For more information, please visit lovid.org.

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