

Paris-Scope: Sanam Enayati

{RE.SIDE...} yet again

Projective City is pleased to announce {RE.SIDE…} yet again, an exhibition of new, large-scale sculptural works by artist Sanam Enayati. Enayati’s installation for Paris-Scope is in conjunction with the exhibition Crossing the Line: Contemporary Drawing and Artistic Process, curated by Larry Ossei-Mensah and Dexter Wimberly, on view at Mixed Greens Gallery in New York City. In addition to this being Enayati’s first exhibition with Projective City, this is also the first time Paris-Scope has been included as part of an exhibition at a separate location.

{RE.SIDE…} yet again fills the gallery space with an oversized, knitted sculpture and precariously large knitting needle, all washed in pink light. The interlaced mass references mark making and traditionally drawn imagery through Enayati’s use of thread and filament.

While in her studio, Enayati identifies one emotion, such as anger or love, and lets it transform and overlap with other emotions as she performs a series of “feminine” and “domestic” processes, repetitive movements, and obsessive behaviors meant to create a new, non-familiar space/reality. By repeating the motion required for knitting, for instance, Enayati investigates the physicality of basic human feeling. When the work is later installed in the gallery, the carefully controlled atmosphere and placement creates a simultaneously warm and anxious experience for the visitor, and serves as a document of what took place in the studio.

Sanam Enayati was born in the United States and raised in Tehran, Iran. She holds a BFA from the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago, IL, an MFA from the School of Visual Arts in NYC, and a Masters of Fashion Design focused on sociology and psychology from Istituto Marangoni in Milan, Italy. She currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.


This is Mixed Greens’ eighth installment of Paris-Scope — a series of peculiar, collaborative exhibitions that give visitors to Mixed Greens a glimpse into French-based Projective City’s gallery space. The unique series provides a new possibility for the practice of exhibiting aesthetic experience, and allows artists unprecedented control over the gallery space. Through this alchemical experiment into the possibilities of “action at a distance,” the viewer is able to peer into (but obviously not enter) the space both thousands of miles away and inches from his or her nose — to mystically be both HERE and THERE simultaneously.

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