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Paris-Scope: Hans van Meeuwen


Projective City is pleased to announce Sense, an exhibition focused on a singular, surprising, large-scale sculptural work by Hans van Meeuwen. The piece was conceived in direct reference to the gallery’s architecture and the viewer’s gaze.

When van Meeuwen was a teenager in the Netherlands, peepshows were an exciting topic of conversation. He remembers a striptease dancer talking about how she had a good idea of who was behind the peephole. Van Meeuwen was struck by this admission, and thought about both the comfort in supposed anonymity as well as the rush of confrontation. For Sense, van Meeuwen utilizes the voyeuristic nature of Paris-Scope by forcing viewers at Mixed Greens to literally peep through a hole in the wall to view his sculpture.

For years, van Meeuwen has worked to create figurative sculptures of disembodied limbs (tree, human, and animal) that astonish the viewer with their location and scale. Sense is no different. Our perception, our comfort as viewers from a distance, and our own bodily experience are all questioned with a simple look through a tiny viewer.

Hans van Meeuwen was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where he studied at the Royal Academy of Art and Design. In 1987, he was a finalist at the very prestigious Prix de Rome prize for emerging artists. Van Meeu- wen has shown extensively in Europe and the United States including solo exhibitions at Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn, Germany; Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabrück, Germany; Kunstverein Baden-Baden, Germany; Galerie Deschler, Berlin, Germany; Lokaal 01, Antwerp, Belgium; Christinerose, NYC; Galerie Carla Stützer, Cologne, Germany; ADO Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium; and the Durst Organization in NYC. Residencies include the Fine Art Work Center in Provincetown, MA, and the Millay Colony for the Arts in Austerlitz, NY. His public art has appeared at the Arte Luise Kunsthotel in Berlin, and is on permanent installation in public spaces in Amsterdam, Leeuwarden, Huizen, and Zeist, all in the Netherlands. Van Meeuwen currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.


This is Mixed Greens’ ninth installment of Paris-Scope — a series of peculiar, collaborative exhibitions that give visitors to Mixed Greens a glimpse into French-based Projective City’s gallery space. The unique series provides a new possibility for the practice of exhibiting aesthetic experience, and allows artists unprecedented control over the gallery space. Through this alchemical experiment into the possibilities of “action at a distance,” the viewer is able to peer into (but obviously not enter) the space both thousands of miles away and inches from his or her nose — to mystically be both HERE and THERE simultaneously.

For more information, please visit hansvanmeeuwen.com

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