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Lee Stoetzel


Mixed Greens is pleased to present their second solo exhibition with Lee Stoetzel. In this show, Lee will showcase his recent series of large-scale, black and white photographs.

With the rampant construction of enormous, yet generic and unsightly homes across the United States, the term “McMansion” was coined approximately a decade ago. While it once referred only to cookie-cutter houses, the term has taken on specific social connotations in recent years. It now refers to opulent homes that aren't so much designed as themed: Mediterranean, French country, faux Tudor and neo-Colonial. These houses offer space and comfort, but appear amazingly identical from coast to coast. And, as the name suggests, they are too large for their lots and their neighbors. The “ideal” home with gables, turrets and a fake widow’s walk has been supersized to appeal to our consumer culture.

In his last exhibition with Mixed Greens, Lee photographed a very specific subject - the McDonald's French fry. In this body of work, Lee moves beyond the single fry to utilize all that McDonalds has to offer - from the McNugget to the fountain soda lid. Disposable packaging and food become the building materials that mimic these unnatural new homes.

Each building is painstakingly created using only the McDonald's menu. Hamburger buns become the stucco and Big Mac boxes the roof. Even the construction area around the house is crumbled hamburger meat. Then, with the distance of the camera lens, Lee documents each construction: austere and monstrous.

Lee Stoetzel has been featured in solo shows at Mixed Greens (2004) and Tricia Collins Contemporary Art, New York City (1996-1999). In 2004, he appeared at the Armory show with both Julie Saul Gallery and Kenny Schacter ConTEMPorary. His group exhibition venues include Jessica Murray Projects, Brooklyn (2002), Meadows Museum, Dallas, TX (2000), Michigan Contemporary Art Center (2000), and Stalke Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark (1999).

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