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Leah Tinari

Lovely Days and Rowdy Nights

Mixed Greens is thrilled to announce their second solo exhibition with Leah Tinari. In Lovely Days and Rowdy Nights, she continues to explore themes of family and relationships through depictions of herself and her friends. As Leah grows, so does her cast of characters.

Leah has always been interested in painting the people in her life. Instead of merely presenting likenesses, she chooses moments that animate her subjects, create bonds and question connections. This past year, Leah got married. All the daytime and nighttime rituals associated with marriage - including the shower, bachelorette party and reception – became the raw material for this new body of work.

All of Leah’s new paintings, ranging in size from 8 x 10 inches to 50 x 60 inches, are still based on photographs from actual events. However, stylized moments, cartoon graphics and related thoughts are intertwined to create a more layered narrative. Images from outer space, the Museum of Natural History and Leah’s imagination are incorporated into the original moment. It is as if we gain an added insight into the working of Leah’s mind. People who have followed her career will notice that the characters in the paintings are slowly aging and they, as viewers, have been privy to her visual diary.

Leah Tinari graduated from Rhode Island School of Design (1998) and has shown in New York City and beyond ever since. She had her first New York City solo show with Mixed Greens in 2003. Group exhibition venues include the Dumbo Art Center (2004), Fishtank Gallery, Brooklyn (2003), Lombard-Freid Gallery (2002), and Gale Gates (2001). Her first international exhibition will take place at the theater festival in Naples, Italy in September of 2005.

For more information, please visit

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