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Howard Fonda

A Healthy Sense of All I Do Not Know

Mixed Greens is pleased to announce Howard Fonda’s third solo show with the gallery. In this exhibition, he will debut a new body of paintings and drawings.

In this latest series, Fonda’s sincere and introspective paintings are each made alla prima, in one sitting. This urgency of mark results in a raw and visceral surface reminiscent of an underpainting, but with the craft and precision of finish. Full of rich color and earthy hues, each painting embodies a directness that binds form with content as Fonda explores his relationship to meaning and truth.

Instead of adhering to a singular aesthetic, Fonda privileges his studio practice and process, where his choice of subject dictates form. As a result, he adeptly crosses genres and applies methods of both abstraction and representation. With reverence, Fonda references an historical narrative ranging from Platonic thought to Classical sculpture; Aboriginal textiles to mythic storytelling; and Romantic literature to expressionism.

By framing existence within spirituality, semantics, metaphysics and paint itself, Fonda’s confidence and curiosity, coupled with a self-deprecating sense of humor, remind us all that there is much about the world we do not know.

Howard Fonda received his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2001). His first solo show, “…with love,” was at Mixed Greens, New York City (2004). Other exhibition venues include Duchess, Chicago (2007), the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (2004), the Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago (2005, 2007), Raid Projects, Los Angeles (2004), and Bodybuilder and Sportsman, Chicago (2002). Howard is an instructor in the Painting and Drawing Department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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