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Group Exhibition: Glimpse

Curated by Rob Nadeau

Artists: Kim Fisher, Dana Frankfort, Joe Fyfe, Joanne Greenbaum, James Hyde, Jonathan Lasker, Jim Lee, Craig Taylor

Mixed greens is pleased to present Glimpse, a group show curated by Mixed Green’s artist Rob Nadeau.

In the 1972 documentary, “Painters Painting,” Emile de Antonio focused on the romanticized, heroic New York art world of the 50s, 60s and early 70s. Not surprisingly, there is an interview with Willem de Kooning. Both amusing and profound, de Kooning talks about the importance of “sticking with the glimpse.” He is speaking of the moment, internal or external, of inspiration. It is the shard of an idea, a vision’s nucleus.

Fueled by their own glimpse, the eight artists brought together here are engaged in and around abstract painting, employing modernist aesthetics as yet another tool in the act of picture-making. From simple light gestures to dense stratified surfaces and sculptural mutations, these painters make visible and tangible the internal and unseen. This work does not flirt with representation or blur the boundaries between abstraction and representation. It is abstract painting today, unapologetic and created by contemporary artists who critically engage in the discourse of the past, present and future. All are pushed forward by the desire to give form to the glimpse.

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