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Adia Millett

Through the I of the Storm: Witness Rebirth and Rebuilding

Mixed Greens, Adia Millett and the Children's Museum of the Arts (CMA) present Through the I of the Storm: Witness Rebirth and Rebuilding. During this special exhibition at Mixed Greens, Adia will debut her new sculptures and photographs.

This body of work includes a miniature temple and six wooden huts on stilts inspired by the coastal cultures and homes that remain standing after the recent tsunami and flooding in Thailand. After visiting the recovering communities, Adia drew upon her experiences with the architecture and the people to create these new pieces. However, they are not meant to replicate any specific location, but rather act as a dreamlike collage of different places and ideas. Each is a deeply personal evaluation of loss, life, love, power and chance.

In conjunction, a series of drawings made by the children of Khao Lak, Thailand, a small community that was devastated by the tsunami, will be projected in the north gallery. These expressions of home, place and rebuilding contextualize Adia's work and inspiration.

During this exhibition, donations and a portion of all sales will benefit CMA and WEAVE, a grassroots organization in Thailand working with US-based Global Goods Partners. Additionally, pledges will be accepted to purchase the centerpiece of the show, the miniature temple, for the Children’s Museum of the Arts. Those donating $1000 or more will receive a unique reproduction of one of the Thai children's drawings and a doll handcrafted by refugee women who participate in WEAVE’s programs.

Adia Millett received her BFA from UC Berkeley in 1997 and her MFA from California Institute of the Arts in 2000. She participated in both the Whitney Museum’s Independent Studies Program and The Studio Museum in Harlem’s Artist In Residence. She is a NYFA fellowship recipient. She lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. Her work can be seen at

The Children of Khao Lak (ages 5-14) lost their school, and many also lost parents, siblings, teachers and homes. Their images reflect rebuilding "the homes and schools they dream of."

The Children’s Museum of the Arts is the only children’s museum in New York City that brings artists and children together to create, exhibit and celebrate children’s art. Founded in 1988, CMA programs encourage children from one to twelve years old to develop their full creative potential and express their unique vision and experience through the visual arts. CMA has a collection of over 2,000 art works that date back to the 1930’s and represent over 50 countries.

Global Goods Partners is a nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating poverty and promoting social justice by helping community-based organizations in Asia, Africa, and the Americas access the global market for the handcrafted, fair-traded goods they produce. WEAVE (Womens’ Education for Advancement and Empowerment), located on Thai Burmese border, is a Global Goods partner that focuses on women’s empowerment through education, literacy, income generation, and human rights and leadership training.

Mixed Greens sells original contemporary art online, through our catalog and in our New York City gallery. Founded in 1999 on the belief that great art should be accessible to everyone, the gallery currently represents a diverse group of artists, including painters, photographers and sculptors.

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