Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Reply All
Last week I was painfully reminded of just how much abuse the Reply All button forces on numerous recipients. It was a wholly unprofessional (and frankly, SHOCKING) string of emails about a canceled exhibition. The curator, in his email, explained his reasons for canceling the show (he cited building issues that might pose a threat to the artwork), and unfortunately the venue's management felt that this was not at all the case, and that the curator was also essentially trying to sabotage the whole thing (although this was never fully explained). The emails back and forth quickly escalated into a barrage of name-calling...with every sender using Reply All. At first I was intrigued, then entertained, and then finally found the whole thing to be an inbox-clogging nuisance. I will say that the venue's administrator did end up sounding a bit cuckoo for cocoa-puffs when he stooped to using racial slurs. Speaking of crazy, I found this quote on his website:" Surreal nightmare...DNA seems to have gone berserk"
Gone berserk? It seems so.
Readers, please take caution when replying--there's no need to fight in front of others.