Tuesday, July 08, 2014
Artist submissions! + Trends in contemp. artist submissions
GIANT s/o to all the artists who submitted work to Mixed Greens during the month of June, responding to our open call for submissions. As of today, the 400+ submissions are received && downloaded. Nati, Chuka and summer intern have begun combing through the artists whose last names begin with A-C. Tty in Aug, this is going to take forever.To wrap up a first day of looking, reading, and contemplating, here are some themes we’ve observed in 2014 visual art submissions (art history profs, listen up)::
1. Self portraiture, a la I am a fleshy piece of canvas and I am ~ l o v i n g ~ it. The occasional selfie//new media selfie.
2. Technology and sci-fi attn to detail. Think origami game boys & saturated patterns, and being emotionally transported, playing said origami game boy on the #moon.
3. Art re: art. Like paintings of people talking about paintings about people talking about paintings, or text ironically decrying contemporary art as a colossal waste of time (in an application to show at a contemporary art gallery). Mixed Greens <3 puns.
In ALL SERIOUSNESS, the submissions look fabulous and we can’t wait to give each one the TLC it deserves. Thanks so much to all who submitted and we will be talking to you in August!